Monday, June 18, 2012

Who wins and Who loses?

            Why is it that some people succeed when others do not?
My experience is that there must be two things present for success, a vehicle and a decision.

The vehicle can be allusive but it is available. It must put you in a position to help not only yourself but 100’s if not 1000’s of others. It must be honest, hold an exceptional value and be of an important interest to you.

The Decision, this can come so easy and also be the most difficult thing you have ever done.
When it’s made no obstacle, no objection, no situation, no economy will stand in your way. At this point, it’s done.
It is that simple, to just make a decision? I have watched others say they have made the decision to go for it and yet they don’t do what it takes. Did they really make the decision to go for it or did they simply think they did trying to fool themselves and not fully committing to it. I myself have done this so many times, made the decision, so I thought but didn’t follow through with the action that’s needed.
After failing over and over again I thought there must be someone who can help guide me through this, I am willing to do whatever it takes, I want to do it, I burn deep down inside to do it. Where do I turn for an answer? Who can help!

Have you asked those same questions?  If you have Your not along. This is my passion, to help others succeed. There is nothing more I desire than to help you achieve your goals and dreams. Its not about the money nor the recognition for myself but only to see you transform your life. If you would consider allowing me to be a part of your transformation please contact me personally at

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