As we celebrate Independence Day, a day for reflecting upon our GREAT Nation, I find myself sad as I look at where we came from on July 4th many years ago and the direction to where we are headed. I'm reminded of the saying,"History repeats itself," religious restriction, high taxes and an overbearing government.
I see that in my life time, we have taken prayer out of school, stopped our children from writing or speaking of anything related to Christianity in school, (and we accept this daily), we have removed the Ten Commandments from public view and placed them as far out of sight as possible. ( The Cross will soon follow), we now watch what we say about God or Godly principles because we may offend someone. We no longer even say, "God bless you" we shorten it simply to,"Bless you," again removing God from our conversations.
We debate at what point we can end the life of an unborn child, which trimester, after birth (partial birth), or we can settle for, only before we hear a heart beat. And soon we will be debating at what point we should end health support for the sick elderly.
With this said, what are we teaching our children? Every theory imaginable except the Biblical principles set forth by God. As parents we are not even taking them to a church service. Only 25% of us go on a regular basis.
It's apparent we are headed in the opposite direction from where God wants us to be. We as a nation are separating ourselves from God. We are putting a distance from God's principles in order to justify our own lives. I would ask you, beginning this week will you join with us to do our part as individuals to change the direction of our nation? Will you be a part of a movement to bring our nation back in line with God. Teach our neighbors, family, friends and most especially our children?
If you will, join us, we can look forward knowing that with God's help we will once again see a GREAT Nation that fears God, that lives each day under God's blessings.
Please join our facebook page and simply post, I'm standing with you then join and support our page.
Below are some suggested ways you may want to start with;
1 Begin and end each day with a prayer (include the family)
remember to pray for and honor our President.
2 Begin to read your Bible daily. ( youversion has reading plans )
3 Find a local Bible based church and attend services at least once per week. (if you need help finding a church contact me)
4 Elect public officials who believe in the principles of God and our founding fathers. (Warning, this may require you to support someone of a different political party) Hold your party accountable.
5 Share this message with others and take someone with you to church next week.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you make the decision to join with us and make your comments known.
Remember to stop by changing my nation
on facebook and follow us on twitter.
May you live in His Blessings (Deuteronomy 28)
If your a Pastor or attend a Bible based church please message me your information so we can publish a list of Churches in each area.
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